One Love Poem
When Kathryn Carole Ellison, author of several books of poetry, learned about One Love’s work she was inspired to write “A Lesson on Love” to honor Yeardley Love and One Love’s10- year anniversary. To learn more about Yeardley Love’s story, click here.
A new relationship can be exciting!
It can consume your every waking moment.
The ardor with which the other person responds
Is thrilling and brings you great enjoyment.
As the relationship matures, perhaps there’s a time
When their actions do not match their words;
They don’t like your friends, or your family “bugs” them.
They become possessive; their demands absurd.
Unhealthy relationships provide signs, if we’re looking,
Of behavior that can lead to abuse:
Intensity, isolation and extreme jealousy are signs,
As well as volatility, when rage is set loose.
Look for the signs; it takes courage and self-love.
Remember, their words and actions must match!
If they don’t, your best bet is to pull away;
And for the would-be lover, a hasty dispatch!
In a healthy relationship, there is love without fear.
There is trust with no nagging voices.
There’s a sense of belonging, of being enough;
There’s equality in the making of choices.
Genuine relationships depend first upon
A healthy relationship with Number One!
That’s you, Number One, and don’t forget it!
Your strong self-worth will attract the right someone.
If you’re going to be impressed by someone in a relationship,
Be impressed with how you are treated.
A “right relationship” will enhance your life;
Not complicate or confuse, or defeat it.