100,000 for One Love

Escalation Workshop brought to 100,000 people
100,000 is a large number that is sometimes hard to imagine. 100,000 screaming fans can fit in the Michigan Wolverines’ “Big House” – the largest football stadium in America. 100,000 people came together to rally in the first Gay and Lesbian Civil Rights March on Washington in 1979.1 The International Space Station took 17 years to orbit our Earth 100,000 times.2 As you can see, the number 100,000 has marked important milestones in human ingenuity and progression.
Today, the number 100,000 became part of One Love history. Because of you, our dedicated members of Team One Love, we have brought the Escalation Workshop to 100,000 people. Whether you are a devoted student, a passionate coach or administrator, or a general supporter – you have made this possible.
As you may know, Escalation is a powerful, emotionally-engaging 90-minute film based workshop that educates young people about relationship violence and empowers them to work for change. During the workshop, participants learn the warning signs of an unhealthy and potentially dangerous relationship and what they can do if they recognize these signs in their own relationship or that of a friend. We knew that when we launched Escalation we would open people’s eyes to an issue that is happening on every college campus and rally them in a movement for change. Since its launch in 2015, Escalation has been brought to over 500 schools in 41 states.
From the bottom of our hearts, we want to thank you and every single person who made this possible.
When we lost our beloved Yards 7 years ago, we were at a loss – a loss for words and a loss for understanding. What you have given us in the years is truly inspirational. The work that you are doing on campuses and in communities across this country is so tremendously important. You are absolutely saving lives as we hear every day. Here is just a sample of the letters we receive:
“Immediately after [the workshop] was over I called a friend to tell her I was worried about her and her relationship. I would never have known to do that before.”
“One of my friends who was at the workshop last night texted me last night about her friend she didn’t realize is in an abusive relationship – She called her friend and talked about it last night. She said this was the first time her friend was honest with her about how her boyfriend has been treating her. Thanks for doing what you do, you already made a difference in someone’s life here”
“Every time you show this film you are saving a life”
No words can properly convey the enormity of the impact that you are making. You are educating the next generation of young people to be better partners, to be better friends, and to be better people. You are changing the statistics around relationship abuse. You are making sure that no family has to endure the loss of a child due to lack of awareness about this issue. Never underestimate the power that you have as one individual.
It takes just one person and one conversation to save a life.
Our work is just getting started and we are grateful to have you on board. With your help, Team One Love will continue to bring this movement forward. Together, we will continue to empower students and save lives. Not just for Yeardley, but for everyone involved in this story.
If Yeardley were able, she, too, would thank you. You have guaranteed that her life was not lost in vain.
With the utmost gratitude and awe,
Sharon Love and Sharon Robinson
1 Source: CivilRights.org
2 Source: Space.com