Hi everyone,
From all of us at One Love, I’m writing to say we’re thinking of you.
I’m hoping you are doing okay in this dramatically different COVID-19 world. If you’re like me, these last two weeks have been challenging. If I watch too much news or spend too much time reading articles on social media, it can feel easy to give into anxieties. But I’m trying to stay optimistic, spending more time with family and friends, taking walks with my immediate family and my dog, and connecting with friends on text, through phone calls and on Zoom. That this “slow down” allows time for these connections is a blessing and a silver lining if there is one.
At One Love, our new reality presents an opportunity for us to rethink how we build programs and conversations that people value and helps them live happier, healthier, safer lives. Meeting people where they are was part of Sharon Love’s original vision for how One Love could make a difference. While where we all are now is a very different place than we were even two weeks ago, our mission remains the same.
As you would imagine, the physical gatherings that are a hallmark of One Love – workshops, community events, screenings, fundraisers – have all been postponed and we will share new dates as we are able to reschedule. In the absence of physical gatherings, though, our team is piloting and exploring virtual workshops and online engagement opportunities in which students, educators and facilitators can participate.
Finally, as this year marks ten years since Yeardley was killed, we had planned a Yards for Yeardley run/walk in Baltimore for Sunday, May 3rd to honor her life by highlighting the good that has come from her tragedy and the community that has emerged to build a world where healthy relationships are the norm. What was intended to be an in-person community event is now shifting to a one-month virtual national campaign in which anyone anywhere can participate. For a month leading up to May 3rd, we will encourage everyone in this community to pledge to walk or run in memory of Yeardley or someone who you love to uplift One Love’s mission to #LoveBetter.
Until then, stay healthy, be safe and try to find time to connect in new and different ways to the friends and family you love. None of this has ever been more important than it is today!
Katie Hood
CEO, One Love Foundation
P.S. If you have questions, don’t hesitate to contact us.